8 Actionable Fashion and Accessories Tips That Work Like a Charm


8 Actionable Fashion and Accessories Tips That Work Like a Charm

Ever wondered how some girls manage to pull off even the most basic outfits? They could be wearing a plain shirt with jeans, yet they would be looking the most fabulous in a room full of people. While it may seem like it is because they wear designer/branded clothes, it is usually never owning the right clothes that make you look good. It is always how and what you pair it up with that makes the most impact. The pairing up of the right accessories with a dress separates well-dressed people from those who look boring. One can look absolutely stunning if they add on just the right accessories. Below are a few tips that work like a charm on the most basic outfits.

  •     Large Earrings: This draws attention to your face and adds sparkle to it. Be it 80’s door knockers or chunky faux diamond studs; a statement earring always adds some drama to an otherwise dull outfit.
  •     Basic outfit means bolder accessories : Remember this, the basic-er the outfit, the bold-er your accessories. It’s all about balance. When paired with polka dots scarf, a plain tee-shirt and jeans, with a sparkly pendant necklace and a few bangles in one hand and statement watch in the other, adds complexity to a straightforward look. Spice things up on one side to balance everything out.
  •      Too much isn’t always good: If you’re an accessory queen, you may own more than a couple of things that go with one dress. However, there still exists too much of a good thing. Exercise a little bit of restraint with accessories. Try not to overdo it.
  • Wear no more than 2 large accessories: If you make a bold statement with big accessories, don’t wear too much of them. Try wearing a maximum of two; otherwise you might resemble a kid playing dress-up in their mom’s closet. We don’t want that!
  • Know your hands: There are certain types of hands and fingers where some rings look good, and some don’t. For example, if you have short fingers, chances are thick rings won’t look the best on you. However, you will rock those small rings. So choose wisely.
  • Match jewelry color if small in size: Some people end up wearing beads, earrings, bracelets, and rings all from one set, which looks tasteless. However, pairing up everything of the same color may also look extremely elegant, provided that the accessories are small in size.
  • Pop color: Suppose wearing a black or white outfit, pop color in the form of a scarf, or some footwear. Remember, the outfit does not have to match, but it does have to GO – thus, keep color families in mind when mixing colors.
  • Long necklaces: It is a hot trend! These create vertical lines that make you look taller and leaner. Invest in long beaded necklaces or long chains. But remember, one chunky necklace is more than enough. Adding more might not be as cute as we think it is.

Fashion, at the end of the day, is art, which means it is subjective. Do what makes you comfortable and be confident, elegance will follow.


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