I’m A Model, You Know What I Mean? And I Do My Little Turn On The Catwalk


Who says being fashionable is only for models? We all wear clothes, and whether we admit it or not, we all want to look good while wearing them. Before we were confined to our houses due to the Coronavirus pandemic, we went out almost every day and kept our daily routine. Go to the office, go to school, go grocery shopping, maybe even meeting women in the city of London. On weekends or special occasions, we travel, we take long strolls in the park, go on dates. For all these, we need clothes.

Stay stylish and be prepared to deal with unexpected fashion mishaps with some nifty tricks. Read on to know more about some of the fashion tips and hacks that every woman should know about.

  1. If you’re one of those who likes to shop for cheap clothes and often go to thrift stores and second-hand clothing shops, you know that these clothes can have an unpleasant stale odour. You can get rid of that musty smell by mixing one part vodka and two parts water into a spray bottle and spritz it on the musty clothes. As the alcohol evaporates, it will lift the odours away.
  1. Don’t you just hate it when you find white marks on your shirt caused by deodorant? Get rid of it by rubbing a pair of pantyhose against the smudges using brisk action. The marks will fade and disappear.
  1. Pay extra attention to the fit around your shoulders if you’re buying a jacket, coat, or blazer. Yes, you can always take it to a good tailor to alter the fit, shorten the length and taper the waist, but they will not be able to change the shoulders. When you try on a coat or blazer, keep in mind that the seams should be sitting on the bony tops of your shoulders.
  1. Make it a habit to check the labels. It’s very important to wear clothes that fit you perfectly because the fit is the key to making you look good and feeling fabulous about yourself. Look out for the formula 95% cotton and 5% lycra spandex for T-shirts, and at least 2% lycra for jeans to hold their shape.
  1. For pencil skirts, make sure that the length lies at the top of your knees. Anything longer than that gives an illusion that you have shorter legs. Always make sure to keep it knee-length since this is the most flattering length for your body.
  1. To make any outfit better, a statement belt can definitely help. If you use it the right way, it will accent your figure by making your waist look smaller. Find a way to make your belt pop by picking a material that is different or opposite from the material of your garment.
  1. Be mindful of your skin tone. We all have our favorite colors to wear but the truth is, some colors suit you better than others. You could look amazing in every outfit, just choose colors that flatter your skin tone the most and highlight your complexion. The color will complement your skin tone and bring out its radiance.
  1. Sometimes, your sneakers get a bad odour from sweat. You can get rid of the smell by sprinkling two or three tablespoons of bicarbonate soda inside your shoes, tilt, and distribute the powder evenly, covering the inside of your shoes. This will absorb perspiration and eliminate any bad odour.


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